GBx Mini

Portable & Versatile

Accepts contactless donations up to £30, as well as Chip & Pin for larger amounts

Three hours battery life when used on the go. Additional batteries available for extra battery life.

Accepts contactless donations offline, enabling you to fundraise in areas with no mobile signal or Wi-Fi

Touchscreen allows donors to easily increase or decrease their chosen donation amount

Product Features

See what the GBx Mini can do

All Major Payment Methods

Apple Pay, Google Pay, VISA & MasterCard

Up to 3 Hours Battery Life

With an open donation field

Offline Transactions

1 second transaction time

Self Connected

No frustrating app or smart phone required

Chip & PIN

For higher value transactions

Full Connectivity

WiFi & roaming 4G


Perfect for Non-Profits

The GBx Mini is our most compact and portable device to date. A simple user interface ensures that the device can be used by fundraisers with no experience using payment technology, and it can be swapped from contactless mode to Chip & Pin acceptance in seconds. With the ability to process refunds, take donations over the phone and more, this device really packs a punch.

GBx Core

Ultimate Donor Engagement

GBx Podium

Achieve Stand-Out in Large Spaces


Custom-Built for Religious Fundraising